Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covid-19, Social Distancing, Self Isolation, Ideas, and updates

Hello everyone out there in internet land.

I'm sure almost everyone in the world has heard of the COVID-19 outbreak.  Otherwise known as the Coronavirus

With regards to myself, and my partner, we're social distancing, working from home, and trying to avoid going out as much as possible unless its an absolute necessity.  In Ontario, we have one of the highest amounts of infection cases in the country aside from British Colombia, so it's important to stay at home right now if you can.

Please.....for the well-being and sanity of everyone else....Please don't panic buy!  There's plenty for everyone, so long as you all share.

Before we get into the list of things you can do, and websites for inspiration of what you can do while isolating...

Remember the following:

Stay indoors if you are sick! Do not go out, do not go to work, and stay at home.  There are hotlines to call if you feel you may have contracted COVID-19.  Listen to your healthcare professionals

Wash your hands frequently!  Treat this as if everything is coated in ghost pepper chili sauce, or like you work in food service.

Don't touch your face! - if you touch an un-sanitized surface, then touch either your eyes, nose or mouth, you could contaminate yourself

Sanitize commonly used items and surfaces frequently!- Doorknobs, light switches, your phone, your handbag and/or wallet, some people have even washed their money (anyone that lives in a country that has plastic money - IE Canada, Australia)

Social Distance, by keeping yourself away from other people with a minimum of 6 feet! - Maybe even do like what the CTV broadcaster did and use a hockey stick to keep your distance.

Stay away from public crowded places where you can, such as bars, restaurants, clubs, movie theaters, EB Games lineups.  If you do get takeout,  the recommendation is when you get home with your food, you could take it out of the containers, throw those out, and then wash your hands thoroughly before eating (sourced from NPR)

Don't visit older relatives unless it's absolutely necessary — as in, they need food, they need help at home, they need supplies or they need their medications.

If you have kids, it's best not to take them to a daycare, and if you take them to the park, avoid playground equipment.

Together, as a community, we can all prevent the spread of this virus.

Now that the hard talk about social distancing, safe practices, and isolation...

... Here's some things you can do while you're at home, with stuff you may already have:

Look up and stream free concerts or music online! There's a bunch of indie bands, as well as big name performers doing web streaming or free content

Watch a livestream of your favorite animals. Many zoos and animal sanctuaries have 24/7 live cam streams

Watch a Vlog, or your favorite YouTuber! Mine is Cristine from Simply Nailogical, Safiya Nygaard, for Fashion and 'bad makeup science' and Threadbanger, for DIY, Hacks (or debunking them), and overall crassness and fun.   There's also Korean Englishmen for Korean food and culture.

Learn a new skill or hobby - If you have yarn for needlepoint, maybe learn how to knit or crochet. If you have some sewing supplies, learn how to quilt, or do repairs for your clothes.

Learn a new language, or improve one you already know

Learn how to cook, or bake, or experiment.

Do some puzzles, mind games like Sudoku, Rubix cube, or some other problem solving games

To all the hobbyists out there....Finish something you started!

Play a communal game that you can hang out with people online like World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Jackbox, or any other games that have an online multiplayer community.

Learn to play an instrument if you have one

Do some coloring, from either a printable coloring page, or a coloring book you may already have

Journal, or get geared up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)

Spend time with your furry, feathered, or scaled friends (any pets you might have)

If you use makeup, learn new techniques to make your routine faster (always wash your hands first before putting your makeup on)

De-stash, clean, de-clutter, or take care of some household chore you've been putting off for the past six months.

Exercise!  Yoga, home workout routines, or if you have small weights, or something that you can use at home for resistance, do something to stay active.

Read! - Pick up that novel you bought, but haven't had a chance to read yet.  This could be an audiobook, a physical book, or an e-book.  If you are in a fandom, you can always read some fanfics on Ao3

If you have kids at home - try to come up with a lesson plan, to keep their minds active, and get them involved in something creative so they don't get bored. Here's an article to help those parents out there from Forbes.

There's tonnes of ideas out there on the internet, and I hope this helps you all out during these trying times.

I hope you all stay safe, and healthy, and lets help as a community, keep everyone safe, by limiting the spread.

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