Saturday, October 28, 2017

Bedroom - DIY re-do of a hamper

Hello denizens of the Internet!

I had this ancient hamper.  I'm thinking it was from the 60s?  70s?  It was all black, with the silver star in the corner in the front.  It had a a vinyl cover that had some padding in it.  However, the vinyl cracked and the stuffing inside got gross.

So, I cut that all off with a craft knife, grabbed a can of spray paint (which is drying surprisingly fast), and coated the whole thing.  I'm currently in the process of waiting for it to dry before bringing it inside and covering the pressed wood top.

Here's a mid progress pic.

I do have an Instagram account, and if you want to see what other stuff I've been working on, please visit.  The link is

I also have a closed Facebook group.  It's closed to keep spammers out, and to help prevent bullying and/or flame wars. You can join the group if you like.  That link is

Also, If you would like to donate to my Ko-Fi account (Kinda like a Patron account but links to my paypal account, with no pay wall), it would really help out to get supplies, or buy me some actual coffee (tea is my preference), or help me save to get a really big thing, like a better video camera other than my cellphone to do videos.  Or help to get some decent video editing software better than Microsoft's video editor (cause it's really not that easy or great to use)... Or help me save up to get one big thing (like a spinning wheel or a knitting machine). Cuz, well, I work a slightly above minimum wage full time job, but after having to adult, and pay bills, I do not have much wiggle room to get supplies.   I also try to keep my content as de-monatized as possible cause we all get inundated with advertising all the time.  I Ko-Fi account link is:

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