Friday, August 11, 2023

Don't eat soap - 2023 edition - Borax Edition - Don't Eat Borax! It's Poison!

It's the Tide Pod Generation at it again, with false claims of health benefits, by eating...soap!

I would like to specify first and foremost, I am not a doctor...but I also am not in the habit of eating soap, or soap products either.  
Warning labels are there for a very specific you all don't poison yourselves.
I'm sorry to have to put this out there, but it's important that people don't consume Borax. 
There is no conspiracy.  It has been deemed unsafe for human consumption.  It's a soap additive and pesticide.
A pesticide to kill bugs!  That's right, if you eat it, you are eating bug poison. 
I go through this video as to the reasons why, lethal limits, as well as safer alternatives.
Eating Borax is the new Tide Pod other words, don't do it, cause it's dangerous and stupid.

For anyone who claims it's a conspiracy, I base my information on scientific fact from more than one source, and not just from government agencies, but from independent studies and university studies, and well researched medical documentation.
Poisonous levels:
Children: 5 to 6 grams (half a teaspoon)
Adults: 10 to 25 grams  

  • rashes 
  • vomiting 
  • nausea 
  • irritation 
  • respiratory 
  • problems 
  • impaired male sex drive 
  • infertility 
  • organ damage 
  • unconsciousness 
  • depression 
  • diarrhea 
  • renal failure (kidney failure)
  • death  
Safe Sources of Boron (if you need to have some in your diet as per your doctor or dietician):
  • prune juice 
  • raw avocado 
  • peaches 
  • raisins
  • peanuts
  • apples
  • broccoli
  • coffee

Additional videos:

News reel from CTV news (Canadian News Broadcasting company - As a note, the Criminal Code of Canada - section 181 - Spreading false news. It is an offence to knowingly publish false information that causes harm to public interest, with a maximum penalty of up to two years in prison.

 Youtube Shorts on the dangers of Boric Acid
News clip from 11Alive - Based in Georgia (state), about dangers of Borax consumption

Another video with a registered dietitian, advising against eating Borax, posted as of August 11 2023
Editorial with a doctor, and from the Poison Control center, advising not to eat Borax:


At the end of the day, the smart thing to do is to consult a medical doctor with a PHD, not some random nutritionist influencer on the internet.

Find me on Instagram @kieraoona 
I am the sole person who creates content for this blog and my Youtube channel, including filming and editing. 
If you like my work, would like to support my channel, to help with materials, research, or keep me caffeinated, please donate to my KoFi: