Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Videos and saying goodbye to 2020

Much like everyone, 2020 has not been a fun year.

I spent a lot of time at home, which doesn't change much for me cause I'm mostly an introvert

I worked from home

My partner has worked from home

My poor kitty crossed the rainbow bridge in June due to cancer




We've had one lock down yes...but what about second and third lock downs? (which is happening right now)

We had a potential Covid infection scare in my household

It's been a hard year...

.....and here we are.

However, despite not being able to go out much, I have re-started my YouTube channel

The first video is on how to mend your own clothes from holes, where the mending is visible.  

The second is the various stitches that you can use to hem, or mend, or sew your own clothes, with a strength demonstration.

Both videos can be found below.

I hope you all stay healthy, and safe, and a Happy New Year.